School Supplies and Playground Equipment are Desperately Needed
Please help as your budget allows. Parents may bring donations to the office, send them with their child, or have them shipped to the school:
Monte Vista PTA 1720 Monte Vista Drive Vista, CA 92084
Gently Used Books
- Especially fiction for our older students
(Mrs. B. collects books to give to the children on Literacy Nights)
Classroom Supplies Needed
- Reams of white copy paper
- Facial tissues
- Paper Towels
- Large containers of hand sanitizer
- Clorox or other brand sanitizing wipes
- Elmer's glue sticks
- Colored pencils
- Ticonderoga brand pencils (other brands break and ruin sharpeners)
- Plastic zip closure storage bags-sandwich, quart, and gallon
Playground Equipment Needed
Donations of these items are welcome from wherever you find them at the best price!
13 inch Rubber Playground Balls like this: http://www.flaghouse.com/FLAGHOUSE-13-Playground-Ball-Red-item-113
Junior basketballs http://www.flaghouse.com/display-item-15641
Size 4 Soccer Balls: http://www.flaghouse.com/FLAGHOUSE-Active-Series-Rubber-Soccer-Ball-4-item-388
Orange Cones for goal markers (not too bulky or heavy, please!) http://www.flaghouse.com/display-item-15238
SOFT cloth or cotton, Double Dutch Jump Ropes like this: https://www.buyjumpropes.net/Cloth_Double_Dutch_Jump_Ropes_p/003%20cloth%20double%20dutch%20jump.htm